Stop hackers from stealing your company information.
Our Digital Connect Security Suite helps your employees stay productive and secure, by ensuring your company data is protected on their favourite apps and devices.
50% of small businesses have experienced an attack in the past year
R2.1m he average cost of an SMB data breach/attack
Risk & Impact To Your Business
61% of small businesses lack security staff to cope with security issues.
The increasing impact of COVID-19 related cyberattacks continues to rise.
And these security attacks have real economic consequences for small businesses.
90% of cyber attacks start with a phishing email message.
Protect company data, secure your devices and defend against threats.
Our Digital Connect Security Suite helps your employees stay productive and secure, by ensuring your company data is protected on their favourite apps and devices.
Benefits to Your Business
Identity & Access Management
Manage and secure identities in a unified platform.
Information Protection
Protect your sensitive information anywhere it goes.
Threat Protection
Integrate security with automation to stop cyber attacks.
Security Management
Safeguard your cloud and on-premise resources.
Grow Your Business
Achieve Your Goals